
Alisahau kabisa? Netizens react to samidoh’s tbt video praising Eddy for saving him

In June, the wife of the Kikuyu singer made a public announcement confirming the end of her relationship with her husband, hinting at his perceived failure as a partner.

However, a recent throwback video of Samidoh Muchoki during an interview with Churchill has gained attention on TikTok, sparking a wide range of reactions from Kenyan viewers.

In the video, Samidoh expressed deep gratitude towards his wife, Edday, acknowledging her unwavering support for over a decade and even crediting her with saving his life. He shared, “Our friendship began in secondary school, and while I pursued my training, she pursued her own endeavors in Nakuru. After I graduated, we started a family together.”

Nevertheless, some Kenyans questioned whether Samidoh had forgotten the journey he and his wife had traveled together. Conversely, others commended him for following his heart and choosing the woman he loves. Here are some comments from social media users:

  • @CarolDan remarked, “Did he forget? He forgot she was his rock.”
  • @Realtor Eunice pondered, “Why do people choose to forget so easily?”
  • @Njeri commented, “Those who claim they want to build with their partners should take a look at this.”
  • @belindabelinda33 added, “And he forgot all this; truly, men sometimes forget.”
  • @Hannah stated, “Then someone tells me to start from scratch.”
  • @windavy highlighted, “When you tell someone not to start from the bottom with a man, they don’t listen. They were young then, and now that they are older, they realize it was childish and that they are not meant for each other.”

Kenyans have been actively discussing the relationship between Samidoh and Nyamu, showing public affection for each other online. The nominated senator and her partner recently enjoyed various activities in Australia, where the Mugithi singer had traveled for his music tour. Some netizens questioned the authenticity of their love and wondered why Edday and Samidoh had not reconciled despite numerous prayers and speculations.