A Kenyan man named Jumaboy, who is both an aspiring musician and a professional barber, recently caused a buzz on the internet when he publicly expressed his affection for Azziad Nasenya. Juma Boy’s heartfelt confession reveals his deep love and his willingness to go to great lengths to win over the beautiful Azziad.
During an interview with an online media outlet, Juma Boy openly admitted that he has harbored a crush on Azziad Nasenya for a significant period of time. He has been closely following her, finding her to be an epitome of perfection, and believes that she deserves a gentleman like himself.
It is worth noting that Juma Boy, like Azziad Nasenya, hails from the Luhya tribe. This shared heritage leads Juma Boy to believe that their union would be a perfect match, as they can easily understand and relate to one another. Their common background could potentially strengthen their relationship.
Furthermore, Juma Boy disclosed that he is fortunate enough to possess considerable wealth. In his unwavering pursuit of Azziad Nasenya, he is willing to offer a substantial dowry of Ksh.20 million to win her affections and secure her as his wife.
Not stopping there, Juma Boy expressed his commitment to Azziad by promising to tattoo her name on his back if she agrees to be his girlfriend. Additionally, he vowed to fulfill her every desire, firmly convinced that she is the woman of his dreams. With an optimistic outlook, Juma Boy believes that one day he will be able to call Azziad his wife.