Netflix paid me more than Ksh 13 million-Eddie Butita brags

Netflix paid me more than Ksh 13 million-Eddie Butita brags

Eddie Butita made history when he became the first Kenyan comedian to work for Netflix on the Swahili transformation of ‘The Upshaws’, which wrote and directed.

In a recent interview with Radio Maisha, the entertainer stunned many when he hinted the amount he had been paid while working for the organization.

While he didn’t give a precise sum, Eddie flaunted that he had been paid more than the Ksh 13 million that has been floating around online.

“Nilishtuka sana nikasema dah, nani anaekelea pesa kidogo ivi kwa internet, naeza ata nikafungwa wakiona ninataja pesa kidogo ivo kwa internet, yaani ata wanaeza shtuka sana waseme huyu kijana kwanini anaharibia kampuni jina,” said the comedy writer.

He was unable to reveal the sum he was paid was a result of a non-disclouser arrangement he signed with Netflix that bars him from discussing the provisions of his payment.

“Kulingana na mkataba sikuruhusiwa kutaja mambo mbili tatu kuhusu mshahara, lakini naeza sema nilipona kimaisha,” he said.

He proceeded to joke that he probably won’t need to work again until October 2029.

“Hii ni pesa ambayo nafikiria mimi nitarudi kazi 2029 apo October, it made me appreciate the value of content. For the first time nilitengeneza pesa ya content pure ambayo kimaisha yangu, ilinishtua,”