
“Kimeumana!” Woman Invites Her Married Boyfriend To Live With Her And Her Husband

A woman named Moreblessing Nhema has stirred bewilderment among her community members by extending an invitation to her purported married lover, Stephen, to cohabitate with her and her husband.

Speculation circulates that Moreblessing had been engaged in a long-standing romantic relationship with Stephen, who is married to another woman.

In an unexpected turn of events, Stephen moved into the single room rented by Moreblessing and her husband, Beven Nyamoto. This living arrangement prompted Moreblessing’s cousin, Zvikomborero, who had been residing with her, to seek alternative accommodations. Notably, Zvikomborero and Moreblessing share a familial connection as their mothers are sisters.

Moreblessing and Nyamoto assert that Stephen is, in fact, Nyamoto’s relative, and they took him in when he faced unemployment, emphasizing their compassion for his situation.

Stephen himself expresses his intention to reside independently once he secures new employment. It is revealed that his wife resides in rural areas due to financial challenges.

Presently, Stephen works at the tuckshop located at Nyamoto and Moreblessing’s residence, serving clients. While Nyamoto claims Stephen as his brother, inquiries by H-Metro indicate that there is no familial relationship between the two