
Wanaume wa Kenya Ni Useless, Siwezi Wapenda – Winnie Odinga

Winnie Odinga, a member of the East African Legislative Assembly, recently disclosed in an interview with Mpasho that she is currently unattached, marking the first time in nine years that she has publicly acknowledged her single status.

Expressing her sentiments, Winnie revealed, “I have yet to encounter the right individual. Initially, they exude confidence, delve a bit into politics, and then, suddenly, my father, Baba, calls, and they become astonished.”

Attributing her self-assurance to her father, Raila Odinga, the Opposition leader, Winnie emphasized her quest for a man who possesses a similar level of confidence. She elaborated, “I am still on the lookout, and particularly, I prefer a Kenyan man. While I don’t rule out other cultures, I desire someone who comprehends me.”

Addressing the topic of parenthood, Winnie acknowledged the advancements in science, stating that the possibility of having a child even at the age of 80 is feasible. She remarked, “I am currently enjoying my life, navigating the dating scene as not just Winnie Odinga.”

Sharing her musical preferences, Winnie disclosed her appreciation for Kenyan artists like Khaligraph Jones, citing “Omollo kutoka Bondo” as her favorite song. She expressed her inclination towards hip-hop and mentioned artists such as Boutross, Wakadinali, Nameless, and Jua Kali.

Winnie confessed her admiration for the Kenyan television program “Single Kiasi” on Showmax, naming Kalondu Musyimi as one of her favored content producers.

Looking ahead to 2023, Odinga revealed her focus on technology. She emphasized her commitment to digitizing the nation, advocating for widespread access to computers, working on digital labs, and advocating for the alleviation of tax burdens on content creators. Winnie believes that with internet access, individuals can achieve anything they set their minds to.