Milly WaJesus, a renowned content creator from Kenya, recently explained why she does not wear a wedding ring despite being married to Kabi WaJesus for several years.
In a social media post, Milly stated that she will start wearing a ring only when her husband buys her one worth Ksh 300,000 (approximately $2,300 USD), as she is allergic to cheap rings. She further clarified that her current ring is not expensive enough.
Milly and Kabi WaJesus have been married for five years and are set to celebrate their sixth anniversary this year. They share two children and first met in high school when Milly was in form two.
During a 2020 interview with True Love magazine, Milly recounted how she and Kabi were introduced by her then-boyfriend and went on two double dates. She even carried a photo of the four of them to school to show off her “gang.”
As prominent content creators in Kenya, Milly and Kabi WaJesus have been inspiring their fans with their relationship goals for years.