An incident unfolded where a woman, whose identity remains unknown, faced an unexpected consequence for her inability to pay an Uber fare. After summoning an Uber to transport her to her intended destination, she found herself without the means to cover the cost upon reaching her endpoint.
In a video that has since gone viral, the Uber driver, reportedly hailing from South Africa, found himself in a predicament when the passenger failed to provide payment. Faced with the dilemma of an unpaid fare, the driver resorted to an unconventional solution—severing all of the woman’s braids.
The caption accompanying the widely circulated video suggested that the woman had ordered the Uber with the intention of using an unconventional payment method, humorously referred to as “clito currency.” This unforeseen turn of events drew mixed reactions from online spectators. Some expressed sympathy for the lady, while others pointed out instances where drivers, at times, resort to extreme measures without displaying any remorse.
One Twitter user, @Fatso Tladi, condemned the driver’s actions, deeming them “unacceptable and appalling,” and called for the woman to press criminal charges, asserting that her human rights were violated. Another user, @Attainable-to-self, offered a cautionary perspective, suggesting that it is always advisable to stay at home when unable to afford outdoor activities.
Meanwhile, @Nonkululeko Ndlovu took a more lighthearted stance, expressing relief that the incident did not escalate to physical harm, emphasizing that hair grows back over time. On a somewhat different note, @Zakhele Mashazi, while not condoning the driver’s actions, highlighted that he had witnessed people resorting to extreme measures for lesser reasons, urging women to reconsider such behaviors.
In summary, the incident, captured in a viral video, brought attention to the unconventional resolution chosen by an Uber driver faced with a passenger unable to pay the fare. Online reactions varied, with some expressing sympathy for the lady and others highlighting the potential dangers of such situations.