Tyler Mbaya, popularly known as Baha, recently made a romantic gesture that seemed to carry a message for his ex, Georgina Njenga. The young actor displayed his affectionate side while warming up in the living room with an attractive woman.
Tyler shared images and a video capturing the cozy moments he spent with this woman. In the video, the two of them appeared quite enamored as they shared their time in the living room.
During the video, the woman joined Tyler on the couch, where she took a seat on his lap. Moments later, Tyler affectionately caressed her before gently lifting her and leading her into another room. All the while, a suggestive musical backdrop added to the ambiance of the romantic scene that Tyler Mbaya had chosen to share with his audience.
It’s worth noting that Tyler Mbaya has been single since parting ways with his baby mama, Georgina Njenga. Meanwhile, Georgina appears to have moved on, having been linked with several individuals, including comedian Eddy Butita.