
To make money from rentals, build bedsitters upcountry

In Kenya, one way to make money from rentals is by building bedsitters upcountry. Bedsitters, also known as studio apartments, are small self-contained units that typically have a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom all in one space. They are popular among young professionals and students who are looking for affordable housing options.

Building bedsitters upcountry in Kenya can be a lucrative business venture for several reasons. Firstly, there is a high demand for affordable housing in upcountry areas, especially in towns and cities that are experiencing rapid population growth. Many people in these areas cannot afford to buy their own homes and are therefore willing to pay for rental accommodation.

Secondly, the cost of building bedsitters upcountry is generally lower than in urban areas. Land and construction costs are typically lower in upcountry areas, which means that investors can build more units for less money. This can result in higher profits from rentals, as investors can charge lower rent while still making a good return on their investment.

Another advantage of building bedsitters upcountry is that they are often in high demand due to a lack of other housing options. Many people in upcountry areas do not have access to modern housing facilities, and bedsitters provide a convenient and affordable alternative. As a result, investors can expect their units to be rented out quickly and consistently, generating a steady stream of income.

Finally, building bedsitters upcountry can also have a positive impact on the local community. By providing affordable housing, investors can help to alleviate the housing crisis and improve the quality of life for local residents. This can lead to increased demand for bedsitters and further opportunities for investors to make money from rentals.

In conclusion, building bedsitters upcountry in Kenya can be a lucrative business venture with many benefits. There is a high demand for affordable housing in upcountry areas, the cost of building bedsitters is lower, and they are in high demand due to a lack of other housing options. Additionally, building bedsitters upcountry can have a positive impact on the local community and provide investors with a steady stream of income.