
Thee Pluto Finally Narrates How He Used To Hawk Women Shoes Becoming A Millionaire

In spite of the glory, there is always suffering behind any achievement. The Pluto is the epitome of the idea that perseverance and determination pay off in the end.

In just five short years, the well-known content producer went from being a female shoe hawker to a millionaire.

Recounting the steps he took to achieve his goals. Some of Pluto’s endeavors, he said, were unsuccessful while others helped him rise to prominence.

He claimed that three years ago, while he was struggling financially, he made the decision to sell women’s shoes in Thika.

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From there, he expanded into the world of e-commerce, where he suffered multiple setbacks before finally turning a profit and using it to purchase a couple of lots in Kamulu.

As a result of his bold moves into the real estate and video-sharing platform YouTube, he eventually became a household name.

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He is now comfortably middle class thanks to his success in the real estate and video-sharing platforms.