In a dramatic turn of events, a teacher in Hamisi, located in Vihiga County, found himself in a rather peculiar situation. Samson Onyiso, the protagonist of this unexpected saga, recently experienced a shocking incident that left him both stunned and speechless. This incident unfolded when he entrusted a local pastor, who also had a side gig as an electrician, with the task of mounting their brand-new 43-inch television on the wall.
Leaving his home for approximately an hour, Samson Onyiso had placed his faith in the pastor’s ability to carry out this seemingly straightforward task. Little did he know that he would return to a scene of unimaginable betrayal. Instead of finding the TV securely attached to the wall, he walked in on the pastor engaged in an intimate encounter with his beloved wife.
The depth of Samson’s emotions was beyond words; he was too overwhelmed to utter shouts of anger or engage in a physical confrontation with the pastor. Instead, he chose an unconventional course of action to address this grievous breach of trust. Samson decided to capture the shocking scene by taking a selfie, a stark and undeniable testament to the pastor’s infidelity. By doing so, he sought to expose the pastor’s transgressions not only to the community but also to his own in-laws, setting the stage for a drama unlike any other.