
Shock After Police Catch “Sigara Kubwa” Bhang Worth 6 Million In Ongata Rongai Church

Ongata Rongai residents were left in profound astonishment when the police apprehended a massive haul of cannabis valued at six million Kenyan Shillings inside a church.

The head of the police force overseeing the operation reported the discovery of 26 sacks of cannabis within the premises of the church, which otherwise conducted conventional religious services.

He went on to mention that they had managed to apprehend a few suspects, although several others had managed to evade capture.

“Today, in collaboration with the local community, we have seized twenty-six sacks of cannabis, and one of them contained ‘stones,’ approximately forty in number. This gives you an idea of the substantial value of the cannabis we’ve seized. We have detained some suspects, but the principal culprits are still at large. We will track them down, as they managed to escape. Quite surprisingly, we’ve been informed that the place was being used as a church,” stated the lead investigator.

According to him, the churchgoers are also under suspicion for their involvement with the cannabis, making them potential suspects. Aside from the cannabis, the church is also suspected of engaging in unlawful activities, including theft.

“The church appears to be selling cannabis, even to its congregants. Therefore, we suspect that those attending this church may not be entirely sober individuals; they might be cannabis users. We’ve also uncovered other illicit activities, such as theft, as we found electronics that we suspect were stolen. Additionally, we found some goats that were apparently being slaughtered for a celebratory feast, which ultimately led to the discovery of this cannabis. I understand that there are many upstanding citizens cooperating with individuals like these, but there are also good citizens.”

The investigator extended his gratitude to the local community for their assistance during the investigation. He expressed optimism about apprehending all the suspects since they are well-known members of the community.

The seized cannabis will be taken to the police station, while the suspects in custody will be brought before the court on Wednesday.

Furthermore, the officer explained that the court would determine the fate of the confiscated drugs.