Manzi Wa Kibera has surprised her fans by humbling herself and kneeling while serving breakfast to her 67-year-old former partner, Mubaba. This unexpected act comes shortly after Manzi Wa Kibera took to her Instagram to announce the end of their relationship, sharing a video where she explained the reasons behind their separation.
The relentless barrage of online trolls took a toll on Manzi Wa Kibera, pushing her to her breaking point. She revealed that the constant insults and criticism she faced for being involved with a man over three decades older than her became unbearable for both her and Mubaba.
Known by her popular alias, Sheriffa Wambui, Manzi Wa Kibera has gained a reputation for pursuing relationships with affluent men. This aspect of her life has drawn attention from internet users, who have been quick to pass judgment. In her own words, she describes herself as a determined and ambitious individual, striving to improve her circumstances.
Wambui was born and raised in Kibera, facing a challenging upbringing after her mother tragically passed away in an accident when she was just two years old. She was subsequently raised by her stepmother in Limuru.
Through captivating pictures showcasing her curvaceous figure on Instagram, Manzi Wa Kibera garnered significant attention. Currently, she boasts a following of over 35,000 users on the platform.
In an interview with Mungai Eve, the socialite openly discussed her background, shedding light on the hardships her family endured. Wambui revealed that there were moments when they had to endure days without food.