
Raila Odinga Takes Action After Arrest Of Babu Owino and Raila’s Security Ogeta

Former prime minister of Kenya who is also the Presidential candidate of the AZIMIO la Umoja Coalition, Honorable Raila Odinga, through AZIMIO Lawyer Danstan Omari has expressed his concern over the arrest of Embakasi East member of parliament, Honorable Babu Owino.

In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that the renowned politician was arrested yesterday at the Jommo Kenyatta International Airport.

Azimio Legal team Danstan Omari says he has instructions from Azimio leader Raila Odinga to file a habeas Corpus application because they don’t know the whereabouts of Embakasi East MP Babu Owino and Raila private security Maurice Ogeta.

This is happening at the same time when President William Ruto has stated that the Kenya Kwanza government is not going to allow another Demonstration after several Kenyans were Killed in the last Demonstration and at the same time accused Raila Odinga of wanting a handshake.

In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that President William Ruto who spoke about the AZIMIO la Umoja Coalition Demonstrations in the country has also accused former president Uhuru kenyatta of allegedly using money stolen from the public to fund these demos.