
One-year-old baby found dumped outside Sakaja’s office

In a stunning incident that unfolded within the premises of Nairobi City Hall, a group of custodial staff made a shocking discovery: a one-year-old infant girl had been abandoned in the basement parking area of the building, leaving the entire staff deeply alarmed.

This impeccably dressed baby girl was stumbled upon by the cleaners during their regular Thursday morning rounds. Overwhelmed by the distressing find, they wasted no time and promptly alerted the security personnel who, in turn, diligently combed the area in search of any additional clues. Subsequently, the matter was reported to the Kenyatta International Convention Centre Police Station.

As the hours passed, the combined efforts of the security officers and cleaners culminated in the safe transfer of the infant to the county’s customer service department.

Lydia Gatheru, the Communications Director & Protocol at Nairobi County Government, confirmed that her department received the abandoned child. She revealed that the security officers and cleaners had brought the infant to her office, whereupon she immediately contacted the Social Services department to take responsibility for the situation.

Gatheru stated, “Our security personnel and the cleaners who found the child brought her to my office. We took the initiative to get in touch with the Social Services Department.”

The Social Services department has since assumed full responsibility for the situation, vowing to ascertain the identity of the person responsible for abandoning the child. Additionally, a comprehensive investigation will be conducted to uncover the circumstances surrounding the baby’s presence at City Hall and how she managed to access the premises.

Gatheru commended the prompt and resolute actions taken by the city hall staff, emphasizing their dedication to rescuing the infant, ensuring her safety, and initiating the necessary measures for her well-being.

In the event that the child’s mother or guardian fails to come forward within one year to claim her, the Social Services department will take the necessary steps to initiate the adoption process. Their goal is to provide the baby with a stable and nurturing home, thereby offering her the opportunity for a brighter and more promising future.