
Omosh hasn’t moved into house he received as a gift, 2 years after completion

Joseph Kinuthia, renowned for his role as Omosh Kizangila in the popular Kenyan TV series “Tahidi High,” has provided insight into why he has yet to move into the new house that was generously constructed for him by a well-wisher in 2021.

This generous gesture came in response to Omosh’s public appeal for financial assistance from Kenyans. The new house, a spacious three-bedroom, master ensuite with an American open kitchen, was the result of the benevolence of Kathy Andrew, the CEO and founder of Sung Timbers, and her circle of friends.

So, why has Omosh Kizangila not yet taken up residence in his new abode?

During an interview with Nicholas Kioko on August 21, Omosh revealed that the house remains unoccupied due to certain practical considerations, primarily related to the education of his children. He expressed his intention to eventually move into the house, emphasizing its special place in his heart as their true home.

He explained that the current proximity of the nearest school presents a significant challenge, as it would require his children to endure a lengthy commute. Omosh plans to relocate once his children have grown a bit older, stating, “The house is still there. I consider logistical aspects like changing schools for the kids. They are still young, and the nearest school is quite a distance away. I wouldn’t want to subject them to long journeys every morning and evening. When they grow older, we will move in. That house is ours; it’s our home.”

Omosh’s journey to overcome alcoholism has been a pivotal factor in his life transformation. After turning to faith, he has successfully made the transition. Despite life’s challenges, his faith has been a source of strength. He admitted to trying to overcome his struggles on his own, even likening it to returning to “factory settings” to start anew. He remarked, “At the moment, I am in good health. Life comes with its challenges, but God has heard my prayers. I realized there were so many things I tried to do on my own. I was like a train, but I fought to change.”

His decision to quit alcohol was driven by painful memories of violent behavior, loss of appetite, and financial strain. The tragic loss of two friends in 2022 further intensified his self-reflection.

Family remains a cornerstone of Omosh’s life, and he emphasized that he has not divorced any of his wives, contrary to what some may have thought. His family remains strong and intact, as he stated, “I have never divorced. I have my family, my people, my children, and we are intact.”

During his recent hiatus from the public eye, he invested his time in reconnecting with loved ones, visiting schools, and spending quality time with friends and neighbors.

While Omosh envisions a resilient comeback in the entertainment world, he currently relies on an ambassadorial role he acquired with the help of a friend for his financial stability.