
” Nataka Kudara hii Kipara Ya Kibe tukiwa Mechi” Ssaru Responds After Andrew Kibe Said That ni Type Yake

Prominent female rapper Sylvia Ssaru recently confronted social media critic Andrew Kibe in response to his video expressing explicit desires towards her and outlining his fantasies of dominating her in intimate situations.

Kibe openly declared his attraction to Sylvia Ssaru, emphasizing that if given the chance for a romantic encounter, he would fully capitalize on it. Using explicit language, he detailed how he would assert dominance in the bedroom, praising Ssaru’s physique and expressing optimism about future rendezvous.

In a subsequent interview with an online media outlet, Sylvia Ssaru decided to address Kibe’s comments in a defiant manner. While acknowledging her appreciation for Kibe’s content, she urged him to refrain from using her as a frequent example.

Regarding Kibe’s provocative remarks about intimate encounters, Ssaru responded with a touch of humor and laid down some conditions. She expressed her willingness to witness Kibe’s bedroom skills, but with specific terms. Firstly, she insisted that Kibe remove his glasses for direct eye contact, and secondly, she requested him to take off his cap so that she could feel his baldness.