
Martha Karua Could Be The First Female President In Kenya- Mutahi Ngunyi.

Political analyst, Mutahi Ngunyi has urged NARC Kenya Party Leader, Martha Karua to partner with ODM leader, Raila in the upcoming 2022 General Elections.

Ngunyi who was speaking on his controversial 5th Estate show said that Karuas partnership with Raila would see her win the elections.

He said that their union would be formidable and would see DP Ruto lose his presidential bid.

He added that Raila would be a transitional president and would retire at 82 years, hence paving way for Karua to take over office in 2027.

“Martha Karua could inherit Uhuru and a Raila-Karua alliance is a powerful path to this appointed destiny.”

In 2007, 2013, and 2017, Raila had an average of 44 percent of the votes. So, If Uhuru chooses Karua, do you think she would lack 6 percent of Mt Kenya votes to support her?” Ngunyi posed.