Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr. is a man under attack by Kenyans on twitter.
The energetic Senator is on the receiving end from Kenyans on Twitter after he posted an obtuse tweet while reacting to a tweep.
Everything began after Mutula responded to Chief Justice Martha Koome’s statement on Uhuru’s questionable choice to turn down the appointment of six judges from the 40 suggested by the JSC.
A tweep reacted advising him to make the most of his fat salary paid for by the tax payer’s money.

Mutula reacted condescendingly, scrutinizing the taxes Kenyans pay.

His obtuse retort didn’t go down well among netizens who chose to remined him that he is a Senator since his dad, Mutula Kilonzo, who was the Makueni Senator, died after a Viagra overdose.
Others called him out forlooking downward on Kenyans simply due to the fact that he was brought into the world with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Mutula’s dad was a corrupt government official who used his position to benefit himself.As Daniel Moi’s lawyer he used the position to loot and evade paying taxes worth billions.
See how Kenyans put him in his place.