The bizarre incident happened in Shinyalu Village of Kakamega County.
The residents were left speechless on Tuesday, 6 April, 2021, after the cow ‘gave birth’ to an egg after nine months of pregnancy.
This weird occurrence were reported by Anyamah Douglas, a presenter at one of Kakamega County local station where he said that the owner of the cow was left dumbfounded after his cow gavebirth to an egg after moths of waiting for a calf.
The reporter shared the photos of the tired cow and that of an egg covered with blood with the owner associating the bizarre incident with witchcraft.
Notably, this is not the first time for such odd incidents to happen in the county.
In 2020, another cow is said to have given birth to a ‘calf’ which resembled a human being. The calf however did not survive and was disposed off immediately it died.