Musician Esther Akothee has opened up about her struggles with getting pregnant at the age of 41, despite already being a mother of six. In an interview with Spm Buzz, Akothee revealed that she and her husband, Omosh, lost their unborn child on December 17th, 2022. This was a devastating moment for her because she had planned to reveal her baby bump on her wedding day, which coincides with her birthday on April 10th, 2023.
Despite the heartbreak, Akothee remains hopeful and is not giving up on her dream of having another child. She and Omosh have been trying hard, but so far, they have not been successful. Akothee is optimistic that it will happen soon, as they are working with a doctor who is guiding them through the process.
Akothee expressed shock at how her fertility has declined in recent years, given that she used to be very fertile. She hopes to have one or three children with her husband, and she will continue carrying out pregnancy tests until she gets a positive result.
Akothee urged her fans to pray for her as she and Omosh continue their journey towards having a child together.