celebrity gossips

“I hate when people refer me to as socialite. I work , I own SPA ,I run Boutique I am an Actress ,Trisha “Becky” Citizen Tv Angrily says.

Trisha “Becky” from Citizen TV vehemently rejects the label of a socialite, expressing her frustration at being referred to as such. She contends that her life is defined by hard work, as evidenced by her ownership of a spa, management of a boutique, and involvement in acting.

Trisha emphasizes the disparity between her professional endeavors and the perceived image of a socialite, implying that her commitment to her various occupations precludes any justification for such a classification. To her, the term “socialite” is not only inaccurate but also unjust, as it fails to acknowledge the substantive work that occupies her time and energy.

In rejecting the socialite label, Trisha questions the basis upon which others might categorize her in such a way. She poses a rhetorical question, challenging anyone to find evidence that supports the characterization of her as a socialite. Trisha seems to imply that the term is unfairly applied to her, perhaps as a result of misconceptions or stereotypes.

By asserting, “I am not,” she makes a clear declaration of her identity, firmly asserting that her life revolves around her professional commitments and accomplishments rather than the superficial and socially oriented connotations associated with the term “socialite.” Through her vehement denial, Trisha aims to set the record straight and redefine the narrative surrounding her public image.