
Husband pours HOT Oil on his wife’s boyfriend after he caught them shopping together in town

In a sensational twist of events, a man found himself at the center of public disgrace when he was discovered shopping in a market with a married woman who was not his spouse. The incident took a shocking turn when an unidentified individual approached the man and doused him in red oil, capturing the attention of onlookers.

The boldness of the man and the subsequent public humiliation left people both intrigued and appalled. When questioned by a curious bystander, the man attempted to justify his actions by claiming ignorance of the woman’s marital status. He asserted that she had not revealed her marriage to him before their shopping expedition.

The identities of the individuals involved in this incident remain undisclosed, yet it has become a topic of widespread discussion on various social media platforms. The circulating video serves as a poignant reminder for everyone to exercise caution and avoid becoming the focal point of public scrutiny and humiliation.

Netizens have expressed their opinions on the matter:

@iamstepee remarked, “That woman should have informed him of her marital status.”

@d_realsolz commented, “This is disgraceful. May God prevent such incidents from tarnishing our reputation with palm oil.”

@kexx_10 added, “I’m not condoning his actions, but perhaps he wouldn’t have pursued the woman if she had informed him of her marital status.”

@blessing_ekaka questioned, “This red oil is no joke. What did they pour on the woman? ????????????”