Charlene Ruto, daughter of William Ruto, recently revealed a unique chapter from her university days where she took on the entrepreneurial venture of selling ‘Smokie kachumbari’ to financially support herself. In a video circulating on social media, Charlene disclosed that during her time at Daystar University, smokies were the only commodity gaining traction for sale, and she was motivated to embrace this small business opportunity.
Having pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Charlene successfully graduated from Daystar University in 2015, a period when her father, William Ruto, held the position of Vice President alongside then-President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The video stirred a variety of reactions from Kenyans, with some expressing surprise that the daughter of a billionaire would engage in such a modest business endeavor. Amid the ensuing viral memes and online discussions, Charlene faced criticism, particularly from student leaders who disputed her claim of selling smokies on campus.
Despite the backlash, Charlene found support from Daystar University alumni, who vehemently defended her against online criticism. The controversy surrounding her snack-selling episode prompted discussions on social media, drawing parallels between Charlene and Ivanka Trump, the daughter of former US President Donald Trump.
Internet users began likening Charlene to Ivanka Trump, who served as an unofficial advisor to her father during his presidency and later assumed an official position in the government. This comparison fueled conversations about Charlene’s involvement in various county legislatures, discussions with governors, and her simultaneous administration of multiple initiatives, causing concern among Kenyan Twitter users on November 27, 2022.