
Form One Student Dies At Kilungu Boys High School  15 days after being Admitted

A family is seeking answers following the untimely death of their former child, 15-year-old Emmanuel Kirima, who passed away just fifteen days after joining Kilungu Boys High School.

Emmanuel was enrolled in Form One at Kilungu Boys High School on January 15. However, ten days into his admission, the parents were notified by the school administration to visit Kilungu mortuary and identify their son’s lifeless body.

The devastating news has left the family questioning the handling of their son’s health situation. Initially informed that Emmanuel had been transported to the hospital due to a stomach ache, the family later discovered apparent facial injuries, particularly on his forehead, upon examining his body. The school failed to disclose whether these injuries were the result of a fight, a fall, or an incident of bullying prior to his hospitalization.

Emmanuel was initially taken to a private hospital and later transferred to Kilungu Level Three Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Goeffrey Muema, the headteacher of Kilungu Boys High School, defended the school’s actions, stating that they followed standard procedures when a student falls ill. He expressed surprise at the hospital’s notification of Emmanuel’s death.

In light of these circumstances, the family has decided to move Emmanuel’s body to Chiromo Mortuary, where a post-mortem examination will be conducted on Monday to ascertain the precise cause of his death. The family seeks closure and answers regarding the events leading to the tragic loss of their son.