
Bungoma: Wanyonyi Wins 1K For Finishing Two Kilos of Ugali With Mayai in Less Than 15 Minutes

Wanyonyi, a resident of Bungoma, emerged victorious in a thrilling food-eating competition, earning herself a well-deserved prize of Ksh1,000. The event featured three participants, including Wanyonyi, who showcased incredible speed and determination throughout the challenge. She triumphed over her two competitors, showcasing her exceptional talent in devouring food.

The main task at hand was to consume a whopping two kilograms of Ugali accompanied by a generous serving of five eggs, all within a tight time limit of 15 minutes. Wanyonyi tackled this daunting feat with the agility and swiftness of an electric train, leaving both her opponents trailing behind.

Her remarkable achievement in completing the task within the given time frame secured her victory, and she was duly rewarded with the coveted prize money of Ksh1,000. Additionally, Wanyonyi was also granted an all-expenses-paid holiday getaway, thanks to the generous sponsorship provided by the organizers.

Wanyonyi’s victory not only showcased her remarkable eating skills but also highlighted her ability to rise to challenges and outperform her competitors. Her dedication and perseverance were evident throughout the competition, ultimately leading her to a well-deserved triumph.