The life story of Dr. King’ori, popularly known as Felix Omondi, serves as a profound source of inspiration. As the host of NTV’s “Wicked Edition,” he has climbed the ladder of success through perseverance and determination.
Born in 1992 in Ugunja, Nyanza region, Dr. King’ori spent much of his upbringing away from his ancestral home, primarily in Embu, Blue Valley. Despite facing challenges, including being raised by an alcoholic father, he held onto his dreams of greatness. Blessed with a daughter and maintaining a private family life, he emerged from adversity with resilience.
Dr. King’ori’s childhood was marked by financial struggles exacerbated by his father’s alcoholism. His mother worked tirelessly to provide for the family, and though life wasn’t easy, he completed his secondary education.
Living in a modest mabati house in Embu, Dr. King’ori found motivation to pursue his aspirations. Despite feelings of embarrassment about his living conditions, he remained focused on improving his circumstances and breaking the cycle of his background.
After completing his secondary education, Dr. King’ori embarked on a journey to Nairobi to pursue his dreams. While considering following his father’s footsteps as a carpenter, he ultimately chose a different path. Initially delving into setbook acting, he transitioned to professional comedy in 2010, despite facing skepticism from others about the viability of comedy as a career.
His journey to success was not without setbacks. Initial attempts to pitch his ideas to NTV faltered due to financial constraints. However, his talent and perseverance eventually led to opportunities, including writing jokes for GBS TV and collaborating with Captain Otoyo on successful projects.
Recognition from Larry Madowo, then hosting “The Trend” on NTV, provided a turning point in Dr. King’ori’s career. Mentored by Madowo, he honed his skills and remained steadfast in pursuit of his dreams. Eventually, NTV embraced his concept for “The Wicked Edition,” catapulting him into the spotlight as its host.
Expanding his reach, Dr. King’ori ventured into radio, co-hosting the morning show on Nation FM. His success in the media industry is reflected in his estimated monthly salary and his flourishing business ventures.
Living a life of abundance, Dr. King’ori enjoys the fruits of his labor, owning multiple business premises and a collection of luxury cars. Residing in a lavish Nairobi suburb, his journey from humble beginnings to media prominence is a testament to his resilience and unwavering faith in his abilities.