
Azziad Nasenya speaks on being seen with Ababu Namwamba Shoes

Over the past few days, Azziad Nasenya, the popular Kenyan TikTok star, has been capturing attention on social media. Numerous speculations have emerged regarding her alleged connection to the Sports CS Ababu Namwamba. Some online investigators noticed the striking similarity between their shoes, leading to speculation that they might be sharing footwear.

Azziad recently posted a brief video of herself enjoying a thrilling zip-lining experience while in Dubai. However, Kenyans were quick to notice that the shoes she was wearing appeared similar to the ones Ababu Namwamba had worn a few days earlier.

In an interview with Youtuber Vincent Mboya, Azziad brushed off these speculations as mere gossip from embittered individuals. She revealed that such stories did not affect her and that she would continue to shine brightly.

“While there may be numerous stories circulating, we move forward regardless. It’s remarkable how I find myself trending almost every other time. One thing I always emphasize is that people should recognize that despite the talk and constant chatter, I keep progressing, soaring to heights I never even imagined. It’s all because of God, and when He says ‘yes,’ no one can say ‘no,’ no matter who they are,” she confidently expressed.

Azziad further stated that people tend to project their frustrations onto her due to the challenging economic conditions. She believes that in doing so, they unknowingly deny themselves blessings.

“Life can be challenging, especially when the economy is in turmoil. Prices are skyrocketing, and people are frustrated. However, I always maintain that if someone is angry and chooses to project it onto me, they might inadvertently be blocking their own blessings. It’s a matter of perspective,” shared the Sound City radio presenter.

She emphasized that the gossip and negative comments on social media do not affect her. Azziad remains determined to keep soaring and pursuing her dreams.

“It’s a part of life—not everyone will love you. Some people will support you, while others won’t. Surround yourself with those who appreciate and love you. I’ve grown accustomed to this pattern; I trend almost every month. I simply live my life and fulfill my daily responsibilities. Nothing changes,” she concluded confidently.