Recho Elias, also known by the alias Zuwena, recently disclosed her age to the public. The Tanzanian artist, renowned for her portrayal of the main character in Diamond’s latest music video “Zuwena,” affirmed that she is currently 17 years old. In a recent interview with a Tanzanian television station, she expressed frustration at the widespread disbelief surrounding her age.
Recho emphasized that she lacks a national identity card and is ineligible to participate in specific social events due to her legal status as a minor. When confronted about her age, she retorted, “I’m only 17 years old, still youthful. What more do you need? The number 17 holds a significant secret for the enchanting Recho Elias! Are you challenging me to produce the clinic card, or do you want me to hand it over?”
The interviewer appeared persistently skeptical of Recho’s claimed age. Adding to the intrigue, Recho revealed that she purchased a 17-inch television following the success of the “Zuwena” video. This disclosure fueled speculation that the number 17 holds a special significance for Recho.
Notably, Recho had previously disclosed that Diamond compensated her with 17 million Tanzanian shillings for her role as Zuwena. It appears that the number 17 holds a remarkably fortunate and popular status for the accomplished video vixen.