
Amber Ray Reveals She Is Joining College In 2024 Ahead Of Politics Ambition

Amber Ray recently shared her plans to embark on a college journey in 2024. The successful businesswoman and influential figure in the realm of social media expressed her desire to pursue further education with the aim of personal growth.

In an interview conducted by YouTuber Vickie Vickinah, Amber Ray articulated her motivation, stating, “I want to invest in myself. I am contemplating which course to undertake, as my goal is to enhance myself and become a better person.”

Amber elaborated on her decision to delay tertiary studies in the past, attributing it to financial constraints. However, she is now contemplating a course aligned with her current endeavors.

The mother of two also revealed her aspirations to delve into politics, expressing a desire to contribute to the welfare of others. She mentioned potential roles such as Governor of Machakos or Nairobi Women Representative as areas where she envisions making a positive impact.

Reflecting on her personal attributes, Amber acknowledged her tendency to trust people easily as a significant weakness, while highlighting her strength in possessing a resilient indifference. She affirmed, “My biggest weakness is trusting people too easily. My strength is my ability not to care.”

Amber Ray conveyed her belief in second chances and forgiveness, emphasizing that she subscribes to the notion of never saying never. She expressed her willingness to forgive to the extent possible.

In extending warm wishes to her online followers during the festive season, Amber Ray shared a heartfelt Christmas and New Year message. She expressed hope that the upcoming year, 2024, would bring success to her fans, encouraging them to achieve any unfulfilled goals from the previous year through the grace and mercies of God.

Addressing her online family, Amber Ray said, “What’s up my online family, I just want to wish you a merry merry Christmas and a happy new year, and I wish in 2024 whatever you wanted to achieve in 2023 but you haven’t, you will achieve all by God’s grace and mercies.”