
“Alieka kitu yangu Kwa mdomo” Pastor James Ngang’a on why he divorced his first wife from Ukambani

Pastor James Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism recently shared his tumultuous experience from his initial marriage to a Kamba woman, likening it to a horrifying movie.

Ng’ang’a expressed his belief that sexual relations should solely serve the purpose of procreation, dismissing the pursuit of pleasure through various intimate styles as unnecessary.

In his own words, he recounted, “When I was married to Kamene from Ukambani, it was almost unbearable. She was excessively demanding in the bedroom, to the point where she even attempted certain acts that I found intolerable. Eventually, I had to end that relationship.”

The Kenyan online community has collectively criticized the televangelist for publicly disclosing the challenges of his first marriage, urging him to show respect to the mother of his children and uphold the dignity of women in the nation.