
Kenyan Producer Byron Lertrupers, Behind Hit Songs Such as Sipangwingwi and Pesa Ndogo by Mejja, Has Passed Away

The Kenyan music industry is currently grappling with the loss of a beloved figure, the renowned gengetone producer and artist, Byron Lertrupers, affectionately known as ‘Aaii Papii.’

Byron Lertrupers had gained widespread recognition for his remarkable contributions to the gengetone genre, having produced numerous chart-topping hits including tracks like “Sipangwingwi,” “Usherati,” “Pesa Ndogo,” “Kwa Bar,” “Peng Wa Mafilter,” and many others. His creative genius had led him to collaborate with some of Kenya’s most prominent musical talents, such as Mejja, Ssaru, X-ray, Trio Mio, and several others.

However, Byron’s artistry extended beyond music production; he was also a highly skilled singer-songwriter. His musical style spanned various genres, including Dancehall, Afro-Pop, and Afro-Fusion. His overarching goal was to carve out a prominent space for Kenyan music within the global music landscape.

The circumstances surrounding his untimely demise remain undisclosed, leaving many questions unanswered. In response to this tragic loss, Kenyans on social media, as well as fellow Kenyan artists, including Boondocks gang, have come together to express their heartfelt condolences.

“He made an indelible mark on our industry. Rest easy, king 🔥🙏🏽.”

“This is too much😢😢😢. God, remember us through this premature death😢😢😢. Rest easy, G😢.”

“Why is Kenya experiencing such painful losses? People are departing so abruptly. Heartbreaking💔💔.”

Rest in peace, Byron. Your legacy in Kenyan music will continue to resonate, and you will be dearly missed.
