
University of Nairobi students Complain of poor living conditions, To go on strike within 48hrs

University of Nairobi (UON) students have united to voice their discontent regarding the unacceptable living conditions within their hostels, urging the swift intervention of the university management.

In a press briefing convened on Sunday, April 21, the UON Student Association (UNSA), led by President Rocha Madzao, expressed deep concern over the dire state of student accommodations. They specifically highlighted issues such as inadequate sanitation, poor hygiene standards, and substandard infrastructure as the primary challenges faced by students.

Madzao, representing the student body, sternly urged the university’s administration to take immediate action to rectify the situation. “As the governor of the main campus, I am deeply troubled and disappointed by the deplorable conditions in the students’ hostels. The current state of these facilities jeopardizes the well-being and safety of our students. It is unacceptable for them to endure such unsanitary living conditions, which include inadequate sanitation, poor hygiene standards, and dilapidated infrastructure. I implore UON to promptly and decisively address this pressing issue,” Madzao asserted.

Echoing these sentiments, another student representative highlighted the additional challenge of leaking roofs and flooding due to inadequate drainage systems. He urged the university administration to seek a permanent solution to these issues, cautioning that failure to do so would result in a university-wide strike.

Addressing the urgency of the matter, Madzao had previously issued a letter to all students on Saturday, April 20, calling for an urgent press meeting to address the concerning hostel conditions. Emphasizing the importance of collective engagement, Madzao stressed the need for immediate action. “It has come to our attention that hostel conditions remain substandard, despite previous reports. In light of this, I urge all students to attend an urgent press meeting today at 7:00 PM to discuss this matter. It is imperative that we come together as a community to address these ongoing challenges and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to improve living conditions in our hostels. Your active participation is crucial as we endeavor to bring about necessary change for a better living environment,” the letter stated.