After graduating from high school, Kenyan rapper Trio Mio has taken a bold step by sharing a video on social media getting his first tattoo. The tattoo, which is located on his hand, features a compass and other intricate details.
As a rising star in the music industry, many of his fans have been eagerly anticipating what he will do next after high school. Radio presenters Chito Ndhlovu and Cyd Wambui even discussed Trio Mio during their show on Kiss FM, wondering how his music career will fare after the pressure of KCSE.
When the KCSE results were finally released on January 20, 2023, many were eager to see how Trio Mio fared. While some fans claimed that he had only scored a D in the exam, his mother Irma Sakwa asked the public not to put too much pressure on her son. Trio Mio is content with his results and they will not affect his career plans.
Despite the rumors about his exam results, Trio Mio has continued to flourish in his music career. Recently, he released a new song featuring Savara. His fans are excited to see what he will do next as he continues to make his mark in the music industry.