Shock,desperate RAILA ODINGA caught red-handed buying youths to attend his rally at Kamukunji yesterday

Shock,desperate RAILA ODINGA caught red-handed buying youths to attend his rally at Kamukunji yesterday

Various youths were caught on camera receiving cash to attend Raila Odinga’s rally in Nairobi’s Kamukunji grounds.

In the video shared via online , the youth are seen lining up to receive a Ksh 1,000 note from a woman.

As the youth are said to attend Raila Odinga’s rally received the cash as a female politician is heard talking in Dholuo.

Remarking on the video, legal counselor Ahmednasir Abdullahi said each youth that went to Raila Odinga’s rally at Kamukunji grounds received the money.

“ODM is filthy rich…imagine KSh 1,000 per person for attending yesterday’s rally,” he wrote.

Of late, Raila has zeroed in on winning the hearts of the youths, entreating them to decide in favor of him in the 2022 General Election.

In a gathering with the youth from the Mt Kenya on Tuesday, Raila vowed to give 4 cabinet positions to them once he assumes office.

“It is something I have tried before and will be part of my policy.”

“On the issue of cabinet positions for the youth… I can say it will be more than four,” Odinga said.

Other than the cabinet positions, Raila has also vowed to give all jobless youth a monthly stipend of KSh 6,000.

“We want every Kenyan to get a job but for those who are unemployed, there will be a social welfare state through which they will get KSh 6,000 monthly stipend,” he said.