
Police Launch Manhunt For Three Suspected Thieves Captured In Viral Video Conning A Sales Team In Nairobi.

Sleuths in Nairobi have launched a manhunt for three suspected robbery syndicate targeting businesses in Nairobi.

A CCTV footage doing rounds on social media, captured on Monday and, October 25, shows how a team of three individuals conning a businesswoman along Kiambu Road within five minutes.

“They approached and asked me to sell them a five-litre bottle of alcohol. The lady was, in fact, the one seeking to purchase it. I, however, told them that the brand they wanted was unavailable,” one trader explained.

As the unsuspecting businesswoman continues to converse with another con artist, the man gives an old Ksh50 note to the other lady at the counter.

“At that point, they asked to withdraw Ksh97,000. I cross-checked the amount available and told them that we only had Ksh60,000,” the lady at the counter narrated.

“After they all left the shop. I felt like I was back to my senses. I decided to pick the money and head over to the office, something that I rarely do. I then realised that we were swindled. It happened so fast, in five minutes,” the lady at the counter stated.

The case was reported at Ruiru police station.