
“Nimeokoka, God changed my life” – Omosh says he’s born again

Omosh, a former cast member of the popular TV show Tahidi High, has taken a courageous stride towards a transformative life by openly acknowledging that his newfound connection with faith has been instrumental in overcoming his struggles with smoking and alcohol addiction.

During an interview with Mungai Eve, the actor shared his journey through addiction and how his path to recovery has intertwined with his spiritual awakening.

Omosh conveyed, “A profound transformation occurs when you embrace a lasting connection with God. At this very moment, I am relishing the life that God has bestowed upon me. If I had comprehended the depth of this spiritual aspect earlier, I would have embarked on this journey of renewal much sooner.”

Reflecting on his battle with alcoholism, Omosh expressed remorse for his past actions while acknowledging the impeccable timing of God’s influence in his life. He remarked, “I surrendered my life to Him earlier this year. Deceit goes against God’s principles.”

The pivotal moment in Omosh’s life arrived after the unfortunate loss of two close friends, prompting him to deeply contemplate the course of his own life. He acknowledged, “I came to the realization that I was steering my life in the wrong direction. Alcohol had an overpowering hold on me.”

Despite once being a devout church attendee, Omosh had strayed from his faith. However, his experiences ultimately guided him back to the nurturing embrace of spirituality. He recounted, “I have recently returned to attending church. My devotion to prayer has been unwavering as I endeavored to combat my struggles with alcoholism and smoking. However, my efforts were proving futile. It was during my time at a rehabilitation center, generously sponsored by my sister, that I gained insight into overcoming these challenges.”

Omosh also addressed the issue of addiction with empathy, cautioning against hastily passing judgment on those who grapple with such issues. He emphasized that many individuals battling addiction carry a profound sense of regret each day. He candidly admitted, “I managed to abstain from alcohol for three years, but I succumbed to the influence of friends and returned to the clutches of alcoholism. It’s important not to hastily judge those struggling with addiction; many of them are burdened by regret daily. My sister invested over sh200k in my recovery and I squandered that opportunity.”

Grateful for his sister’s unwavering support, Omosh revealed that she extended another chance for him to undergo rehabilitation. This time, he made an unwavering commitment to distance himself from alcohol. He declared, “The collective prayers of my family and friends have undoubtedly contributed to my transformation.”

In conclusion, Omosh’s journey from addiction to renewal is a testimony to the profound impact of faith and the support of loved ones in overcoming life’s challenges.