
“Nateseka nijengeeni Kanyumba Ya 5Million” Manzi Wa Kibera 67-year-old Ex-Boyfriend Begs Kenyans

Manzi wa Kibera’s 66-year-old ex-boyfriend, known as Mzee, recently opened up about the challenges he is currently facing in life. This revelation came after the socialite decided to end their relationship, choosing a 75-year-old man instead.

During an interview with Nicholas Kioko, Mzee shed light on the difficult living conditions he is enduring in the heart of Kibera Slums. He showcased his dwelling, a dilapidated house with a leaking roof and numerous cracks, suggesting it could collapse at any moment.

Expressing his distress, Mzee revealed that he feels abandoned as everyone, including his own children, has distanced themselves from him. Manzi Wa Kibera is unresponsive to his calls, and her departure has left him not only emotionally shattered but also financially drained. The time spent with her and the financial support provided had taken a toll on his livelihood, resulting in the collapse of his hardware business.

Struggling to make ends meet, Mzee disclosed his inability to pay the monthly rent of Ksh. 3500 for the substandard single-room dwelling he currently occupies. In a plea to Kenyans with compassionate hearts, the 66-year-old man appealed for assistance.

He urged individuals to come forward and help clear his rent arrears, offering the possibility of relocating to a safer environment. Mzee dreams of starting a business that would enable him to be self-sufficient. Grateful for any form of support, he expressed willingness to cooperate and appreciate the assistance received from fellow Kenyans with kind hearts.