
Murang’a Newspaper Forced To Apologize After Using Davemart Supermarket As Reference To A Story.

Murang’a Newspaper has been forced to apologize after using Davemart supermarket while reporting about students who had been spotted smoking bhang and consuming alcohol as they headed back to school.

Issuing the apology, Murang’a Newspaper’s Chief Editor, Jack Reu stated that the reporter who shared the story has been sent on a compulsory leave of two weeks.

We apologize for the photo used earlier in reporting about students who had been captured indulging in rather suspicious behaviors in Maragua.

“As much as we share stories that happen around the county every minute, the photo used to send the message was unethical shared. The reporter involved has as of Thursday, November 25, 2022 been sent on a compulsory leave. We apologize to the Davemart fraternity,” the apology read.

As eearlier reported, students from various schools had been busted smoking bhang and siping alcohol in Maragua town as they head back to school.