Renowned Kenyan female celebrity, YouTuber, and content creator, Mungai Eve, recently disclosed the substantial monetary offers she received for the sale of her YouTube channel, which presently stands as one of the most subscribed channels in Kenya.
During an interview with DNA on his newly launched talk show, Mungai Eve shared insights into the numerous offers her YouTube channel garnered from both individuals and well-known organizations.
Reflecting on her YouTube journey, which commenced two years ago in 2020 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mungai Eve revealed that her rapid ascent to success took merely one day and one video to amass 1000 subscribers and clock 4000 watch hours. The breakthrough moment was marked by her collaboration with the renowned Sheng master, Madocho, in her inaugural video.
The unprecedented growth of her channel drew attention from various organizations and affluent individuals eager to acquire it. Mungai Eve disclosed that she received a substantial offer of Ksh. 10 Million from a tycoon associated with a specific organization. However, she declined the lucrative offer, driven by her commitment to the vision she had for her content.
Presently, Mungai Eve’s YouTube channel boasts over 560k subscribers, generating a monthly income exceeding Ksh. 1.5 Million. The success of her channel has not only allowed her to realize the life she once dreamed of but has also empowered her to make significant investments, including purchasing a car and diversifying into other fields.