
Meet Kenyan Couple making ksh.50,000 per week from sleeping the whole Day on TIKTOK

Can you imagine making money simply by sleeping during the day? Well, that’s the fascinating tale of a young Kenyan couple who have managed to earn a substantial income of Ksh.50,000 by doing just that.

Raymax and Maycee Ochieng, better known as “The Ray’s” in the TikTok world, have found a unique way to generate income by sharing their daily slumbers with their online audience. These lovebirds have gained popularity by live-streaming their naps on TikTok, allowing their followers to watch them doze off well into the early hours of the morning.

During a previous interview, Maycee Ochieng disclosed that there was a remarkable week in which they raked in over Ksh.60,000. She shared, “I can vividly recall a week when we earned more than Sh.60,000. There was one day when we woke up with Sh.20,000, the following day with Sh.30,000, and another with Sh.10,000. People do sleep, but for us, they witnessed us sleeping during the day.”

However, the couple acknowledged that their weekly earnings have seen a slight decline, attributing it to the short attention spans of their Kenyan audience. Maycee mentioned that some of their fans have started losing interest in watching them sleep day after day, which has affected their earnings negatively. She commented, “Right now, I cannot say it’s as lucrative. Kenyans tend to get bored quickly with a single content. At the moment, we’re not earning as much.”

The couple further explained how, at their peak, they received an outpouring of gifts from fascinated fans, which allowed them to make up to Sh.60,000 in just one week. Their success was so significant that they were able to move from the slums of Kibera to a comfortable two-bedroom apartment.

One of the most intriguing aspects of their content was the fact that they slept during the day, which was a novelty in itself since most people typically sleep at night.

However, it’s worth noting that creating content centered around sleeping also presents its own set of challenges. Ray pointed out that they encounter harsh comments and occasional insults from their fans. Some followers even suggest they seek out more traditional jobs.

In response, Ray defended their unique profession, asserting that sleeping is their full-time job because it’s a source of income. He challenged those who labeled them as lazy, inviting them to try sleeping all day, emphasizing that it’s not as easy as it may seem. “Some people think it’s an easy thing, but it’s quite exhausting to sleep during the day. Imagine having to maintain a single position for over six hours because you have to face the camera. Sometimes I have to step away from the camera to stretch,” he explained.

Maycee added that the purpose of their videos is to spread love and showcase their contentment with each other. “I’m trying to prove that love still exists among us, and there is a genuine love that can be shared with everyone. Our content doesn’t encourage laziness but rather aims to show the world that love should be held in high regard,” she noted.

Nonetheless, The Ray’s remain optimistic about their future earnings, as they have started receiving offers from companies for brand endorsements. Their unconventional career, which revolves around the simple act of daytime sleeping, continues to capture the interest and imagination of many.