
Manzi wa Kibera Says She’s The Female Version of Samidoh wa Kenya

Manzi wa Kibera recently provided insights into her romantic choices, drawing inspiration from the experiences of artist Samidoh, who navigates the intricate dynamics of love involving multiple women. This revelation followed her announcement of reconciliation with Nzioki, her 67-year-old partner.

While rekindling her relationship with Nzioki, Manzi wa Kibera emphasized the enduring connection with Daniel Njau, another gentleman aged 75. In managing the complexities of her love life, she openly acknowledged the unconventional path she has chosen, echoing sentiments reminiscent of Samidoh’s journey in handling relationships with two women.

Expressing her intentions candidly, she outlined her plan to actively engage with both of her elderly lovers simultaneously. Drawing inspiration from Samidoh’s approach with Karen Nyamu and Edday, she aims to allocate dedicated time and discreetly share her affection with each partner, mirroring the careful balance observed by the artist in his relationships.

“I am the female version of Samidoh. Have you ever seen Karen [Nyamu] and Edday [Nderitu] meet? These people cannot meet because if they do, it will be another world war.”

Manzi wa Kibera revealed her unique approach to managing her relationships, stating that while everyone else remains in their respective lanes, she’s the one navigating between them. Much like Samidoh, who shuttles between Karen and Edday in the United States and back, she has adopted a strategic method to ensure her elderly lovers never cross paths. This, she explained, is a deliberate effort to maintain harmony and peace in her love life, preventing potential complications that may arise from their interaction.

“They have never met. Each person plays independently. I post on social media, but no one has a phone; I took them all away to keep the field clean. I am dating them at the same time; there is no day I have come out and said I have broken up with Nzioki [67-year-old].”

“It’s like Samidoh, who has never come to tell us that he and Karen have ever fought. No! He is with Karen, he is with Edday.

Should he arise in the morning, jet off to the USA, and return the following evening to rest in Runda, no inquiries will be made, given that he has never stated any separation from his current situation.

That’s me now; I have never parted ways with Njau, and I have never parted ways with Nzioki. I have them both; my husband Nzioki, my husband Njau!” she concluded.