
Mama Baha: Why Citizen TV Doesn’t Pay Us For The Machachari Show.

Wanjiku Mburu, better known as Mama Baha from the beloved Machachari Show, recently opened up about the reasons behind Citizen TV’s decision not to compensate the cast for the reruns of the show.

In an interview with online media, Wanjiku acknowledged that Citizen TV regularly airs reruns of Machachari, which officially concluded in 2020 amid the Covid-19 pandemic. She confirmed that indeed, the actors receive no royalties from the network for the airing of their content. She explained that during the contract negotiations, royalties were not discussed, and the cast members signed without full awareness of such terms. Consequently, the rights to the content belong to Citizen TV rather than the actors.

While Wanjiku expressed some regret over the oversight, she views it as a valuable lesson. She emphasized that she will prioritize understanding royalty agreements in future projects. Despite the lack of financial compensation from Citizen TV, she acknowledged that the platform provided them with invaluable exposure, catapulting them to celebrity status. Many cast members have leveraged this exposure to build their brands and succeed in various endeavors, although some continue to face challenges.