
Khaligraph Jones: Why I Have Never Tasted Alcohol Ever

Khaligraph Jones, a highly regarded rapper in Africa and a top musician in Kenya, has shed light on why he abstains from alcohol despite having an array of expensive liquor bottles in his studio.

In a resurfaced video, Khaligraph is seen giving advice to a young rapper named Triomio, where he discusses alcohol and its detrimental effects on one’s focus. Khaligraph emphasized that he has never tasted alcohol since birth, and although he is not against it, he is against excessive drinking and addiction.

The rapper urged young people to regulate their drinking habits, avoid praising alcohol, and not allow it to control their minds. Khaligraph highlighted that addiction to alcohol could hinder one’s success since most resources would be spent on it.

Khaligraph Jones’ abstinence from alcohol is unusual among rappers, and one reason for this is his strong religious background. The OG, who used to be a gospel artist before joining secular music, comes from a drug-free family, with a mother who is a woman of God.