
Kenya Government Warns Against Opening Of Schools Amid Heavy Rains And Flooding in the Country

Government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura has emphasized the importance of adhering to the government’s directive regarding school closures amidst the ongoing heavy rainfall and flooding.

During an appearance on the Hot 96 Breakfast Show, Mwaura relayed President William Ruto’s instructions to school principals, urging them to comply with the directive issued by the Ministry of Education. President Ruto has requested the postponement of the reopening of all schools “until further notice,” citing concerns over the potential exacerbation of the situation due to anticipated worsening weather conditions.

Originally slated for April 29, 2024, the reopening of schools has been rescheduled to May 6, 2024, owing to the severe rainfall and its consequences.

“The Ministry of Education is directed to postpone the re-opening of all schools in the country for the second term until further notice,” Mwaura reiterated.

Highlighting the practical challenges posed by the current circumstances, Mwaura pointed out that several schools are currently serving as rescue centers. Therefore, reopening these institutions would raise questions regarding the accommodation of members of the public who have been displaced.

In response to these challenges, Mwaura assured that the government is actively engaged in organizing the transfer and evacuation of affected individuals, providing temporary shelter to those who have been displaced by the floods. He also emphasized that any violations of the restrictions would be met with legal consequences, underscoring the seriousness with which the government is addressing the situation.