
KDF soldiers clash with police over KSh4k unpaid alcohol bill

Three people, believed to be members of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and the National Police Service (NPS), were apprehended on Sunday, April 28, following an altercation with a bar owner in Kakamega County.

According to a police report lodged at Musoli Police Station, the trio allegedly assaulted Robinson Igonga, the proprietor of West Joe Bar and Restaurant, subsequent to receiving a bill totaling KSh4,250 for the beverages they consumed.

The report indicated, “After being served alcoholic beverages amounting to KSh4,250, the individuals declined to settle their bill. As they exited the establishment, they also purportedly stole the complainant’s Tecno phone.”

In response, the bar manager confronted the suspects outside the premises, leading to a verbal altercation escalating into physical violence, with the three assailants allegedly subjecting Igonga to blows and kicks.

The commotion attracted the attention of three NPS officers patrolling the vicinity of Musoli Town center.

“The law enforcement officers intervened promptly, rescuing the injured victim who had sustained injuries to his head and chest,” the report stated.

Subsequently, the suspects turned their aggression towards the responding officers, identified as Sergeant Evans Etyang, Constable Fred Mochache, and another constable, Gladys Onsongo.

The intoxicated individuals were subdued by the officers and subsequently placed under arrest. While in custody, they reportedly caused damage to the cell’s steel door while demanding release.

Due to the suspects’ refusal to divulge their identities, law enforcement officials were compelled to seek assistance from both military and NPS authorities to ascertain their identities.

The suspects now face charges of assault against the bar manager and the police officers, as well as malicious damage to property.