
Kamene Goro: I Cannot Date A Man Who Listens to Reggae Music.

Kamene Goro, a well-known curvy media personality and radio presenter, has once again stirred up online controversy. During the Morning Kiss radio show, Kamene expressed her disapproval of men who listen to reggae music, stating that it is a total turn off for her.

Kamene made it clear that she has high standards when it comes to dating, and everything must match her expectations and needs for her to stay in a relationship. She revealed that she had been single for a while for various reasons, but that she has not compromised her standards.

While Kamene is considerate of the type of music her partner listens to, she cannot stand reggae and would never date a man who loves it. According to her, if a man is a fan of this music genre, he should not even attempt to shoot his shot with her.

Despite her strong stance on music preferences, Kamene is currently in a serious relationship with DJ Bonez, whom she refers to as the love of her life. The two are deeply in love and serve as an inspiration to many.