Residents of Juja took to the streets in protest after a tragic incident where a 4-year-old boy was mauled by a hyena. The demonstration, held in response to the devastating attack, saw angry residents block a section of Thika Road, demanding urgent action from local authorities.
The incident, which occurred in a nearby village, has sparked widespread fear and anger among the community. The residents, holding placards and chanting slogans, expressed their frustration over what they perceive as the government’s failure to protect them from such dangerous wildlife. They called for immediate measures to be put in place to prevent future attacks, including the erection of fences and the relocation of wild animals from residential areas.
The demonstration disrupted traffic on Thika Road, one of the busiest highways in the region, causing significant delays for motorists. Despite the inconvenience, the residents remained steadfast in their protest, insisting that the safety of their children and community is paramount.
Local leaders who joined the protest voiced their support for the residents’ demands, urging the government to take swift action to address the issue. They pointed out that this was not the first time such an incident had occurred, and warned that if nothing is done, more lives could be at risk.
In response to the protest, government officials promised to investigate the incident and take appropriate action. They assured the residents that measures would be implemented to prevent future occurrences and that the matter would be treated with the urgency it deserves.
The tragic event has brought to light the ongoing conflict between humans and wildlife in the area, highlighting the need for a more effective strategy to ensure the safety of residents living near wildlife habitats. As the community mourns the loss of the young boy, they continue to call for justice and the protection of their loved ones.