
Ibrahim Onami: Kenyan Who Quit Ksh8,000-per-Hour Job as Mortuary Attendant in the US Due to Fear of Dead Bodies

Ibrahim Onami’s journey from Kenya to the United States took an unexpected turn when he sought employment at a morgue in pursuit of financial stability.

Driven by the promise of better opportunities, Onami made the decision to relocate to the US with hopes of finding prosperity. “There are plenty of job opportunities here. Whatever kind of work you’re looking for, you’ll find it,” he affirmed, expressing his readiness to tackle any job that would provide him with a steady income.

Fortuitously, he secured a well-paying position with an hourly wage exceeding Ksh8,000. However, his path to financial security veered into an unconventional territory.

In his quest for stability, Onami embraced a challenging role that many would find daunting—working at a morgue. His primary responsibility involved cremating the deceased, a task that demanded resilience in the face of death.

While most would shy away from handling dead bodies on a daily basis, Onami saw it as an opportunity to forge a better future. Despite the emotional and psychological challenges inherent in his work, he found solace in certain incentives provided by his employer.

The morgue offered Onami accommodation near his workplace and granted him two vacations annually, allowing him moments of respite. Moreover, he received medical and life insurance coverage, alongside various allowances. One notable benefit was the provision that, if Onami were to pass away while still employed, his body would be cremated at the facility free of charge, with the option to have his remains airlifted back to Kenya, illustrating the level of support offered by his employer.

However, the toll of constant exposure to death and grief began to weigh heavily on Onami’s mental and emotional well-being. Despite the appealing incentives, he eventually made the difficult decision to resign from his position at the morgue.

Currently, Onami works as a licensed nurse at a clinic in America, residing in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Additionally, he has ventured into content creation during his time in the US.

Through his vlog, Onami provides a unique perspective on American life and culture, shedding light on practical aspects such as budget-friendly shopping options and the vibrant scene in America. He delivers his content in a blend of Sheng and Kiswahili languages, while also advocating for humility and prudent financial management among his followers.