
‘I am the one to take over from Raila’: Karua dismisses Kalonzo

Narc-Kenya party leader Martha Karua has rebuffed Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s assertions regarding his suitability to assume leadership of Azimio should Raila Odinga ascend to the chairmanship of the African Union Commission (AUC).

This response came subsequent to Raila’s expression of interest in succeeding Chad’s Moussa Faki, whose tenure at AUC concludes in February 2025.

In an interview featured in the Daily Nation on Thursday, April 11, 2024, Karua asserted her claim to the leadership of Azimio, citing her position as Raila’s deputy within the coalition party.

Karua stressed that the issue of succession following Raila’s potential appointment to AUC is settled, given her role as the coalition’s deputy.

“If I hold the position of deputy, is there even a question? Even in smaller organizations such as schools, when the headmaster attends meetings in Nairobi, who assumes responsibility? The deputy,” Karua remarked to the Daily Nation.

“If we cannot adhere to fundamental principles, then something is amiss,” she added.

Karua’s remarks were prompted by Kalonzo’s statements asserting his candidacy for Azimio’s leadership during his nationwide tours.

Ahead of the August 2022 elections, Kalonzo suspended his bid for a third time and pledged his support for Raila Odinga’s fifth presidential bid.

Kalonzo had served as Raila’s running mate in the presidential elections of 2013, 2017, and 2022.

Conversely, during recent tours across various regions, Kalonzo, a former vice president, has asserted his intention to be President William Ruto’s primary challenger in the 2027 elections.

Meanwhile, Karua, who partnered with Raila as his running mate in the 2022 elections, remains committed to strengthening Azimio while focusing on fortifying the Narc Kenya party.

“Before His Excellency Raila ventured into the AUC bid, we collectively agreed to prioritize party building. The resilience of the party translates to the resilience of Azimio. He has made significant strides in building ODM, and I am following suit by strengthening Narc Kenya. That is my primary objective now,” Karua emphasized.